Below are some commonly asked questions.

What does it cost?
We have an annual membership fee. It is currently $399. In addition, there are weekly meeting fees (to cover the cost of the meeting room, your meal, and chapter social events. These vary per chapter. Some chapters also have a one-time application fee.
Do I have to attend every meeting?
Our attendance policy allows you to be absent 3 times per quarter. (Exceptions may be made for medical reasons.) We know our process works best when you attend as much as possible.
I've never been a member of a networking group. Can I still join?
Absolutely! We have training for you.
How long will it be until I receive a referral?
It’s difficult to say exactly. It depends on many things, i.e., the type of business you have, how quickly you network with the other members, etc. Some categories are easier to refer to than others. (Printing vs. Personal Injury.)
Also, joining a networking group does not mean you’re automatically a networker and receive referrals. You get out of it what you put into it. We will train you, but your success is highly dependent upon your effort.
Am I required to give referrals to members?
Yes. We will help you learn how to find qualified referrals to give. We believe all members must participate in giving and receiving referrals.
How do I decide which chapter to join?
The Executive Director for the Region can assist you. Basically, you need a chapter that is convenient for you to attend, and where your category is open. You may already have alliances in many chapters.