why npi?

Let us show you.

benefits of membership in NPI

Make More Money Graph

Make More Money

Increased business through the exchange of Qualified Business Referrals (vs. leads).


Building Business Relationships

Meet Other Professionals

This is the fastest way to grow your professional contact base. People inside and outside of your industry.


Become A Resource

You will become the “go to” person with your contacts, because you’re so connected to other professionals.


Woman Speaker

Improve Public Speaking

You’ll develop your public speaking skills within a safe environment. Skills that make you more confident.



Category Exclusivity

You are the only person in your chapter representing your professional category. 


Give to Others

You’ll help others grow their business as well as grow yours. It’s a good feeling. 


Woman Speaker

Leadership Opportunities

We have multiple leadership opportunities in each chapter. A great way to grow your skills.


Expanded Sales Force

All members of your chapter are essentially part of your sales force and vice versa.


Money-Back Guarantee

NPI guarantees that within your first year you will receive enough referral business or derive savings from doing business with other NPI members to cover your membership fee.

*Restrictions apply. NPI guidelines must be followed. 


benefits over other Networking groups

Woman Speaker


We respect your time. Meetings are structured and we start and end on time.



Each member is supported by chapter leadership members and an hands-on Executive Director.


Woman Speaker


Chapter members hold each other accountable. This ensures only serious-minded members.


Woman Speaker


You don’t have to have any networking experience. We got you. We have training for all levels.



Meeting formats are consistent week to week so you know what to expect.


Woman Speaker

Experience & Longevity

NPI has been in business for 30+ years and we’ll be here for many more. We know what works.



My name is Barry Sanders and…  I’ve been a member of NPI for approximately 13 years.  What can I say… NPI works!  Show up, listen, learn, and… the referrals come in. To me, there isn’t anything stronger to say than, “I have breakfast with this person for the past 2 years. He’s/She’s honest, knows his business, and will do the right thing for you. 

If you want to join a networking group that cares, NPI is the place.

Barry Sanders

President, Knight Insurance

Let’s Talk About Referral Business

The customer lifetime value of referrals is 16% higher than non-referrals.

Wharton School of Business

92% of respondents trusted referrals from people they knew.


83% of consumers are willing to refer after a positive experience, yet only 29% do.

Texas Tech

According to referral marketing statistics, referred customers have a 37% higher customer retention rate.

An offline word-of-mouth impression can increase your sales by at least 500% compared to a paid advertising impression.

In general, people don’t trust companies. What they DO trust are other people. Especially close ones. A referral customer is more valuable than a customer through any other marketing means.

*Think with Google


Referral Marketing is far more effective and produces a much higher return on investment than any other marketing vehicle. You can spend tens of thousands of dollars on branding, landing pages, funnels, Facebook, sales letters and postcards — but the single best new customer is still a referred customer.

*The New York Times


Your Seat is Waiting for You… Take it Before Your Competitor Does.